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“Your leaders will disappoint you. Your institutions will prove to be frail and in some cases, even corrupt. Your systems of commerce will come under great duress and people all around you will be extremely upset and confused.” [1]

"You must not lose faith in the human family, human institutions and human leadership, for the Intervention will seek to exploit this to their own advantage. Having lost faith in human leadership and human institutions, people will naturally turn to other powers to guide them, to protect them and, so they believe, to redeem and to restore the world."[2]

Faith in government

"If you have faith in government, you will see the government’s inability to provide. The government will appear to be conflicted and in some cases incompetent—unable to meet the situation, unable to educate the people and unable to guide the people. Indeed, this is already the case. Who amongst the governments is telling the truth about the Great Waves of change—about the real situation regarding energy resources, the real potential of a changing and heating climate, the danger of pandemic illness, the growing competition that is occurring over who will gain access to the remaining resources, the real potential for economic instability and the condition of the economic situation?"[3]

"Many people will be looking to their government leaders to provide safety and security, and great attempts will be made to provide this safety and security. But you cannot live upon this hope alone. For the government will have limited resources, and the strain upon government institutions will be so immense, they will not be able to provide for everyone."[3]

Blaming Government

"All the signs of the world are telling you that great change is upon you. Do not blame others, do not blame governments, everyone has produced this, everyone is involved in its creation, and everyone must become involved in its resolution. Take all the energy you put into condemnation and resentment and put it into your preparation for the Great Waves of change."[4]

"You really cannot assign blame fully upon any government leader or organization because you, too, if you live in a wealthy nation, have benefited from the exploitation of the world. You cannot complain, when you yourself, and everyone around you, is a part of this great dilemma."[5]

"How can you blame the leaders when the population wants to be blind and foolish? And those who are not struggling to survive and hold onto what they have, they are lost in their hobbies, their interests, their romances, the self-obsession over their health, or furnishing their dwelling place, or whatever it might be. They do not see the next great wave of change that is coming, the next economic tsunami. No, they are living on the beach, listening to the radio, enjoying the warmth of the sun." [6]

"People are now finding themselves at a great loss—loss of employment, loss of their homes, a loss of any personal welfare because they were complacent and believing in something they did not understand. They were thinking everything would work out fine, that leaders would take care of things, that others could make better decisions than themselves. And they would follow these others without question.

And when disappointment sets in, their complacency turns to anger and resentment because now they are very afraid. And they are angry at those other people—those leaders, those governments, those institutions that they feel have misled them. But in fact they have misled themselves. They were not cautious. They were not careful. They did not take the time to understand what they were doing and what they were investing in."[7]

Improving Government

“So there must be this deep evaluation" ... "and naturally you will begin to exert pressure on your local governments, your leaders. Do not assume they are wise and well informed. They will need to hear from you. And you will have to be very strong, stronger than you are today, more focused than you are today, more concentrated than you are today. And this will bring your life into focus and clarity, and enable you to find the source of your strength in the deeper Knowledge that lives within you.” [8]

"Knowledge will indicate if you are to become involved in a political campaign or a campaign of social change. It will indicate if that is part of your education and destiny. To make these commitments without Knowledge is to cast yourself in life before you really know who you are and what your life is about. And you will be involved out of fear and anger. You will be involved because you resist or resent others and their actions. This is not the motivation that will bring real resolution to anything. Even if your cause appears to be noble and justified, if you are engaged because you are angry, resentful or fearful, then that is what you will contribute to the situation. That will only create opposition and more conflict in the world. Now you are fighting others for something that you want. Perhaps you are not using weapons; perhaps you are only using words and actions that are lawful, but you are bringing more resentment and hostility into the situation, and those are things that the human family does not need more of." [9]

Overthrowing Government

"It is not enough to overthrow the forces of oppression, for this leads to violence and great loss of life and suffering and too often only ushers in a different set of faces, a new lineage of oppressive rulers." [10]

"To begin to respond to your deeper nature, to the greater mind within you, begins a revolution." ... Be a revolutionary in this way only." [11]

"Without preparation you will be swept up in the storms and the aggravations of the world, in social movements or political movements or religious movements. And you’ll be partisan and polarized in your view and you’ll be full of judgment against others, and prone to condemnation and admonition toward others. You will be part of the problem and not part of the solution. And whatever revolution you are attempting to carry out or set of changes you are attempting to establish will end up being harmful to people and fraught with division and divisiveness. This is not what the world needs. This is not what has brought you here. This is not your real contribution to life." [12]

The extraterrestrial Intervention and world governments

“The Intervention will seek to make you lose faith in your leaders, in your institutions and even within yourself, leading you to believe that only they can provide for you and guide you truly. This persuasion is already being cast over many people. The Intervention will seek to stimulate and exacerbate conflicts within the world to weaken the strongest powers, to lead them into engagements that are fruitless and destructive. This is already happening in the world.” [13]

“You cannot rely upon your governments to tell you what the Intervention is or how it is happening or what it means. You cannot rely upon science, which is largely ignorant of this phenomenon. You cannot rely upon your religious leaders to counsel you about the reality of this phenomenon and what you should do, for they really don’t know. That is why there is a New Message from God. ” [14]

Freedom and government

"Freedom is difficult to cultivate even on an individual level. It requires responsibility. It requires awareness. It requires wise governance and counsel. It requires a wise leadership and a willing and educated population. These things are all very challenging to establish, and that is why many nations choose the alternative route to stability." [15]

"Governments will have to become more controlling, minimizing human freedom, even in the freest nations. It will be an emergency that will continue. Many people will struggle against this. There will be much human tragedy and much human bravery and courage."[16]

Government and the need for stability and security

“But the emphasis of governments must change from trying to become dominant, from trying to threaten their neighbors, towards taking care of the essential needs of their peoples.“[17]

The need for stability and security "is a fundamental reality that you must face as part of the natural world and as a citizen of human civilization. This recognition is fundamental. Many people cannot see this because they are so jaded in their political viewpoint. They are so distrustful of other people. They are so condemning of human leaders and institutions that they are blinded to the very natural circumstances that give them life, that promises them life for the future.” [18]

Solving global problems through government

"It is a greater promise for humanity to become a unified society. Only in this way will humanity be able to meet its global problems. Only in this way will it be able to assure any well-being for its citizens, wherever they are. And only in this way will it be prepared to deal with forces from the Greater Community, which are themselves unified and determined."[19]

World government

"World government is inevitable. It will happen. It will happen in order to regulate commerce. It will happen in order to prevent crime and starvation. It will happen in order to preserve the environment which different nations share. It will happen in order to regulate the quality of the larger natural resources which everyone shares, like water and air. The creation of world government will be difficult. It will be fraught with great tribulation and conflict. But it will happen because it is your destiny." [20]

"You now have the beginnings" ... "of global government."[13]

"It will not be a one-world government. That is silly. But it will be a world of cooperation because the alternative is too terrible to consider."[21]

"For this world to become unified as one nation will involve untold violence, and yet it is a prospect that many cherish. Indeed, it is not only a cherished prospect, it is a necessity. Exposure to the Greater Community will bring this about. You cannot be at variance within your world and successfully encounter forces from beyond."[22]

Resource depletion and government control

"Humanity is heading towards resource depletion. To lose your self-sufficiency in this regard, you cast yourself into a very difficult set of circumstances where your life and your circumstances will be controlled by others—others who are providing you resources that you cannot provide yourself. This establishes nations that are uniform and oppressive, where everyone must think the same and do what they are told."[23]

"Governments will have to become more controlling, minimizing human freedom, even in the freest nations. It will be an emergency that will continue. Many people will struggle against this. There will be much human tragedy and much human bravery and courage."[16]

"You will have to control your population size. You will have to control the distribution of wealth. You will have to provide for the poor. And the wealthy will have to moderate their behavior, their appetites, their greed and their consumption to achieve stability and security." [24]

Government and governing the mind

"Consider that your mind is like a government that is not functioning very well, as most governments in your world are not. If you want to change the government and you want it to be more productive, more kind, more efficient, and more stable, how will you approach this? Will you march in with your armies and conquer it and force every aspect of it into submission? This is how certain people approach their minds when they undertake spiritual practice. Or will you neglect it and say, 'Well, it will forever be a great inefficient body and all you can do is try to live with its inefficiencies and do the best you can.' You do that and what changes? Nothing."[25]

So, how do you regovern a government? How do you regovern the mind? These questions are similar. The mind has many aspects that interact with one another. So does a government. The mind will go into disarray unless it has a greater purpose and a greater set of priorities to serve. So will a government. The mind has tremendous power and affects the quality of your life. So does a government. The mind needs a wise ruler. So does a government. The mind has different voices and different aspects, which must be recognized and brought together into an efficient working relationship. So does a government. The similarities go on and on. Therefore, if you become wise in your relationship with your mind and in working with your mind, you become a wise leader, a wise governor, so to speak. This means that you have compassion and respect for that which you govern. You try to take into account all aspects of that which you govern and serve everything to the greatest degree possible. This means that you must balance things constantly, that you cannot be too radical regarding one or two ideas while neglecting everything else. That is why following The Greater Community Way of Knowledge creates leadership, both internally and externally. It creates balance and Wisdom, a wise government internally and a wise government externally. That is why it is the path of resolution and the path of fulfillment."[25]


  1. Inner Guidance (February 6, 2009)
  2. The Greater Darkness : Protecting Yourself from the Intervention
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 11: Where Will You Place Your Faith?
  4. Eight Guidelines for Discovering Your Higher Purpose (September 30, 2008)Available from New Knowledge Library.
  5. Experiencing Your Higher Purpose (August 30, 2008)
  6. Seeing What Is Coming (May 22, 2011)
  7. Building the Foundation for a New Life: Self Confidence
  8. Food, Water and Energy (February 19, 2009)
  9. Love and Relationships The First Commitment (September 25, 2008)
  10. The New Message for the Impoverished and Oppressed (April 18, 2008)
  11. The Revolution (May 24, 2011)
  12. Effecting Social and Political Change (December 31, 2008)
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Greater Community, Chapter 8: Preparing for the Greater Community
  14. The Great Presence Within You (2001)
  15. The Allies of Humanity, Book Three, Seventh Briefing: Questions and Answers
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 9: The Great Waves Prophecy
  17. The New World, Chapter 10: Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation
  18. Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation (January 2, 2009)
  19. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 10: How do you prepare?
  20. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 18: What is human destiny?
  21. Rebellion, Revolution and War (February 22, 2011)
  22. Secrets of Heaven, Secret 224
  23. Life in the Universe, Chapter 12: Creation and Destiny
  24. Life in the Universe, Chapter 5: Technology and the Different Paths to Stability
  25. 25.0 25.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community Book II, Chapter 5: Working with the Mind

See also






Mandates for the World

World Community

Further study

“What role, if any, do our governments play in assisting the activities of the Intervention?”
“Are any of the world’s governments resisting the Intervention?”
“If you were caught by the Intervention, what would happen to you and would there be consequences for your own worlds?”
“The Briefings state that the Intervention is promoting human conflict. How does it do this? Can you give us an example of what you have seen so far?”
“It appears very likely that we will run out of at least some of our essential resources in the near future. How can human civilization continue if we do not receive technology and assistance from our neighbors in space?”