Spiritual initiation

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"You may not know it at this moment, but it is the greatest event of your life to be receiving God’s New Revelation. Perhaps you will think it is, oh, another teaching, better than others perhaps, or different, but that means you are responding with your intellect and not with your heart and soul." [1]

"God has found you as you are drifting in the vastness of the seas, found you. Like a tiny speck on the surface of the ocean, you have been found. You have been found by the Revelation." [2]

"Your Inner Teachers come closer because your initiation has called them to you. As you begin to awaken, your Inner Teachers come to your side. They were observing you from a distance before, but now their participation in your life becomes more active and more necessary."[3]


  1. Higher Powers (April 26, 2011)
  2. The Initiation (June 28, 2011)
  3. Relationships & Higher Purpose, Chapter 9: Stages of Development

Further Study

See Also





Spiritual awakening