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"The world itself will tell you what is coming if you know how to read it and to discern its signs and its messages." [1]

Signs from the World

"The world is giving you signs about what is coming, giving you clues as to what to expect in your environment, in your nation, in your economy and in the more immediate circumstances of your life. Knowledge, the deeper intelligence within you, is also giving you signs, clues and warnings. But you cannot hear Knowledge if your mind is preoccupied, if you are busy all the time racing about with your busy schedule and all of your activities. You might feel certain things. You might have sensations of concern or anxiety. You might have a profound and lucid dream at night. But if you do not give these your attention—to consider them, to investigate them, to ask questions concerning them—then the whole value of your inner guidance is being lost upon you." [2]

"Before there is a great illness, there are signs. Before there is a great drought, there are signs. Before there is a failure in your activities, there are signs. Before a relationship fails, there are signs. Before any great mistake, there are signs. Yet who is paying attention? Who is looking? Who has the clarity of mind to see these signs and to interpret them in the moment for what they really are and for what they really reveal? If you are not reading the signs of the world, you are not behaving in an intelligent manner. You are not using your intelligence, the greater intelligence that God has given you—not your social conditioning, not your appeasement of other people’s expectations of you, not your constant striving to gain material success or to win approval from others, but the great intelligence that the Creator of all life has given you to see, to know and to act with commitment and certainty. The signs are there. Great Waves are coming to the world, converging upon humanity—environmental degradation, changing climate, the loss of resources, the depletion of the world, the decline of the world and the presence of an Intervention from beyond the world by races who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity. There are so many signs." [3]

Reading the Signs

"Signs are not given to you just for your edification, just for your entertainment, just to arouse alarm or concern. They are given to instruct you and in many cases to move you to certain kinds of action. But you must feel these messages. They cannot be distant little images or fleeting emotions or passing thoughts. You must engage with them more powerfully in order to receive the instruction that they contain." [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Freedom to Move with Knowledge (June 3, 2008)
  2. The Power of Seeing 12/30/08
  3. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 3: Escaping the Past

See also
