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"You may wonder, why do I need to sleep so much at night? To give the mind a break. The Student of Knowledge will need less sleep because they will be exercising greater rest in their waking hours."[1]

As a Metaphor

"Right now you are sleeping on the beach and the great tsunami waves are coming. You are sleeping there, dreaming of what you want and what you are afraid of. While the animals seek higher ground and the birds fly away, the people are lying on the beach as if nothing is happening at all.” [2]

"In times of calamity people wake up briefly and then slowly go back to sleep. 'That was a terrible thing that happened, yes, of course. We remember it. But now we are going back to sleep. It won’t happen again for centuries, so we are going back to sleep'—lulled to sleep by human complacency, human denial, human preoccupation, human distractions by all the forces of society that want to lull you into becoming a manageable consumer." [3]


  1. Parting the Veil of the Mind (September 27, 1995)
  2. Being Centered in a Crashing World (November 22, 2015), shared by the Messenger February 20, 2016
  3. The New World (April 4, 2011)

See Also

The Mind