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"With simplicity, humility and without false assumptions, remembering that you are a beginning student of Knowledge, you will be able to learn how to reveal greatness in the world." [1]

Core practices

Regular habits particular to The Way of Knowledge


Suggestions for hourly practice

"Upon the hour think [about today's idea] after you repeat the idea for today." [2]


Suggestions for meditation

"Enter into stillness and peace once again. Do not petition for answers because you do not need to do this in your meditation practices. Your time now is to practice receiving Knowledge." [2]

"Repeat your idea for the day and enter into stillness once again. Allow this to be a day where Knowledge is strengthened." [3]

"Attempt to give yourself wholeheartedly to your practice." [4]

"Enter into stillness using the word RAHN to take you deep into meditation." [5]

Suggestions for contemplation

"Actively engage your mind in thinking about [the idea for the day]. Let your mind be a useful instrument of investigation. Once again review all your ideas and beliefs that are associated with today’s idea." [6]


Steps review

"Review objectively the extent of your involvement and realize the opportunities to give yourself more fully and more completely." [7]

"Try to gain an overview of all that has transpired in the past [week or two]. Try to see how you could deepen and improve your practice. Recognize how much time and energy are wasted in ambivalence and idle speculation. Realize how much of your energy is being wasted in doubt and confusion when you need only abide with Knowledge." [8]

Four-pillar review

Timely practices

Practices particular to the critical era before us

Deep evaluation


Practices addressing human needs and desires

Topical issues with remedial practices


"Allow yourself to be without ambition, for you do not know what to do with Knowledge. In your longer meditations, allow this to free you so that you may enter stillness and leave the world of physical things." [9]

"Allow yourself to be instructed in how to reveal greatness in the world. Realize that the world is ambivalent and accept this, for this is the current state of the world. Realize that you must give with Wisdom and discernment. And realize that you must let Knowledge give of itself and not try to give from your own ambition or need to avoid a sense of inadequacy. Allow your giving to be true and your giving will be true." [1]


"Strengthen your conviction that you must escape from ambivalence. Realize the deadly cost of ambivalence. See how it keeps people lost in their ideas, denying their engagement with life. See the human cost around you. It is tremendous. Realize that with certainty everyone will find their rightful place." [4]

"Once again realize how ambivalence is still robbing you of inspiration, robbing you of motivation, robbing you of courage and robbing you of relationship." [6]

"In your deeper practice periods, escape your own ambivalence and re-enter the sanctuary of Knowledge where in stillness and in peace you can fully experience the power of Knowledge and the truth of your own nature." [10]

"Recognize thus far how ambivalent you have been regarding your life and regarding this preparation. Realize that for this reason, this preparation has been given to you in very incremental steps, one step at a time, day after day. One step at a time, you learn to develop and to accept your desire and capacity for Knowledge and you learn to express Knowledge as well." [1]




"Evaluate the existence of your fears and remind yourself that your reality is beyond them, but that you must recognize them to understand their damaging presence in your life. Close your eyes and repeat the idea for today; then consider each fear that arises in your mind. Remind yourself that the truth is beyond that specific fear.Allow all fears to arise and be evaluated in this way." [11]


Capacity-strengthening practices

The gifts of The Way of Knowledge



"What are the behaviors that you engage in now that are not in keeping with your values or your sense of integrity? Write these down and really focus upon them. And see what kind of behaviors or activities can replace these things that would be in keeping with your values and sense of integrity." [12]

Intercessory prayer

"Think of someone in need and then give them a quality that you wish to receive yourself. Send that individual that quality. Send them love or strength or faith or encouragement or determination or surrender or acceptance or self-discipline—whatever they need to bring about resolution in their lives.” [13]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Steps to Knowledge, Step 360
  2. 2.0 2.1 Steps to Knowledge, Step 243
  3. Steps to Knowledge, Step 269
  4. 4.0 4.1 Steps to Knowledge, Step 274
  5. Steps to Knowledge, Step 172
  6. 6.0 6.1 Steps to Knowledge, Step 310
  7. Steps to Knowledge, Step 252
  8. Steps to Knowledge, Step 280
  9. Steps to Knowledge, Step 219
  10. Steps to Knowledge, Step 317
  11. Steps to Knowledge, Step 51
  12. Freedom from Addiction and Obsession (January 23, 2009)
  13. Steps to Knowledge, Step 121

Further study

See also

Spiritual practice