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"Wisdom is handed down from person to person through a network as ancient as time." [1]

"Real Wisdom is passed on through a network of relationships. Like water seeping downward through the soil, Wisdom finds its real channels and its path of least resistance. It creates pathways where Knowledge can be passed on, transmitted and initiated from person to person through a means that is both wonderful and mysterious." [2]

"Your errors become more costly as you become more advanced, and you will need to be more guarded against them. Here is where you will need a community of Knowledge—a network of relationships that are able to vericate for you and bring you back to Knowledge to offset your personal conflicts, which will still be plaguing you as you advance. Here your interdependence with others will become the foundation of your relationships, and here interdependence will become fully established." [3]

Network of Relationships in the Greater Community

"The Greater Community is the environment in which you live. It includes your world and all the worlds in its vicinity. It is a vast region of space where intelligent life is interacting with each other, representing a great network of relationships between societies and between individuals in societies, a greater cosmology and a greater universe. For this, it is necessary to have a greater perspective, a greater understanding and a greater religion." [4]

"You have allies in the Greater Community. They understand what you will be facing. They have faced these things themselves. They understand what you will have to contend with, for they have had to contend with these things themselves. They know what the development of Knowledge means and how it must be carried out within societal life, for they have accomplished this themselves. You will not meet these individuals. They will not jump on board a space craft and travel the long distance to your planet. They will not come and speak to the President of the United States or the United Nations or any government or group here. But they do speak to those who can be initiated into Knowledge. And they speak through means that can bridge the great gulf of time and space. They do not travel about dispensing and preaching Wisdom. Their ideas come via a different kind of a network, a network that is out of reach to even the skillful in planetary governments." [5]

Functional Networks

"There will not be enough food to go around to meet crisis situations. This will generate a national and international network of food production and distribution."[6]

Network of the Wise

"There is a network of the wise, and there is a network of practitioners in The Way of Knowledge. Most have never met one another. But the seeds of Knowledge were planted in their cultures and are supported by spiritual forces who exist beyond the visible range— who encourage the discovery, the development and the expression of Knowledge within many, many worlds." [7]

"In the Greater Community, Life Force has been harnessed successfully by individuals and small groups of individuals who serve a greater network of the Wise. This network is called the Harim. This word, which is from the Septoral language, speaks of those who uphold Knowledge in all worlds. Their purpose is not local or ambitious. They represent a universal purpose that bonds them with others very different from themselves. This has created an association of the Wise who are unlikely ever to encounter each other face to face in manifest life. It extends the whole network and fabric of genuine relationship beyond the visual realm. Here Heaven and earth overlap. Within these overlapping boundaries, there exists a greater bond of relationship, a greater awareness and a greater experience of life." [2]

"You cannot fully comprehend the magnitude of what is being presented here, but you can appreciate the fact that this great network of communication is in the world and available to humanity. Through this network of communication, a Greater Community Way of Knowledge and a preparation for the Greater Community are being given to you." [5]

Trade Networks

"Within free nations in the universe, and particularly in large inhabited areas such as the region in which your world exists, great effort is made to sustain self-sufficiency or to participate with one or two other free nations to create a network of support. Here trade is carried on within this network almost exclusively. This is done to preserve a free nation’s self-determination and sovereignty and to limit access to other powers who would seek to gain trade and influence within that nation." [8]

"Within the realm of trade and commerce, there is the established legal trade dealing with resources, technology or information that participating nations are known to have. If this trade is carried on in areas where there is a small network of participating nations, then what they establish to be legal or beneficial is up to them. Yet in large trade routes where many nations—even hundreds of nations— trade, the rules are established as to what is appropriate and what is not." [8]

"To become part of Larger networks of trade, you will be influenced by these networks, and they will determine to a great degree what you can do and what you cannot do." [9]


  1. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 27: What is the evolution of religion in the world?
  2. 2.0 2.1 Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 3: What is Life Force?
  3. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 10: How do you prepare?
  4. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 6: What is the Greater Community?
  5. 5.0 5.1 Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 15: Who serves humanity?
  6. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 18: What is human destiny?
  7. Life in the Universe, Chapter 9: Religion in the Greater Community
  8. 8.0 8.1 Life in the Universe, Chapter 4: Trade and Commerce in this Region of Space
  9. Life in the Universe, Chapter 3: The Limits of Space Travel

Further Study

See Also

The Great Coordination