Judgment Day

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Short Quotes

"There is no Judgment Day" [1]

Long Quotes

"Here you will have to let go of your notions of Heaven and Hell and your belief in a final judgement day and all of these things, for they will not fit with the greater reality that you are entering." [2]

"There is no Judgment Day here where you go before the great judge, and your life is evaluated, and if you are good, you get to pass through and go to Heaven, and if you are bad, you are sent down below into some hellish or terrible state. That is a complete fantasy. That is used by religious institutions to make people obedient or to scare them into good behavior or to threaten them with punishment—endless punishment in some cases. But that is not what happens at all. People who think like that must think of God as a really terrible being! Fierce! Cruel!" [3]

"Why would God punish you when you were placed in a world where making mistakes was so easy, and the chance of becoming wise was so slim? God understands that without Knowledge to guide you, the deeper intelligence that God has placed within you and created within you, all you could do would commit errors." [4]

"God is not a judge. There is no judgment day where everyone comes forward and gets evaluated based upon their good deeds and their bad deeds, and the good ones are sent to Heaven and the bad ones are sent to Hell. God would never send anyone to Hell. Why would God attack part of God’s creation? Why would God condemn those who could only make a mistake without the power and the presence of Knowledge to guide them? This is a projection of human values and human concepts." [5]

"In the end God will win everyone back, even the most wicked; they will just have to work longer to redeem themselves, they will have to give more to counteract their harmful impacts upon others." [6]

"People are impatient, they want a judgment day, they want everything to be finished, they don’t want to have to live with great questions, great unresolved questions. They want God to punish others that they themselves cannot or will not punish. They think they know what justice is. And that is why the old God is filled with revenge and anger and repudiation, that people are forced to believe with the threat of death and Hell." [7]

"Humanity will face war and conflict on a scale it has never known before. There will be suffering at a level never seen before in this world. Religious people will think it is the end times, it is the Apocalypse, it is the coming of the Messiah, but all it is, is the failure of humanity. All it is, is the violation of the natural laws of the world. All it is, is the product of human ignorance, greed and the failure to respond to what God has placed within you to see, to know and to do." [8]

"It is not the end of time. It is a great transition. It is not the end of the world. It is a great reckoning and a new time of Revelation. Many things will come to an end. Many ways of life will have to be altered. Human understanding will have to change. Human responsibility will have to grow. Human compassion will have to grow. Human forgiveness will have to grow. It will seem like the end of time, like the whole world is coming down on you - a time of cataclysmic change and upheaval. But this is really a time for humanity to grow up, to become wise and to prepare for its future." [9]

"These are not the end times. These are the times for a new beginning. This is the era of human unity and cooperation, for only this will save humanity from the great peril it has created within the world and from competition from other forms of intelligent life in the Universe around you. The New Message from God describes in detail what these two great phenomena mean and why they must be met with courage and commitment." [10]

"This will be the Apocalypse, but it will not be an Apocalypse with a wonderful or just outcome. It will be the Apocalypse of failure. It will not be the Apocalypse of good overcoming evil. It will be the Apocalypse that will be the result of human ignorance, greed and injustice." [11]


  1. What Happens After Death (July 11, 2008)
  2. The New God, (Feb. 12, 2009)
  3. What Happens After Death (July 11, 2008)
  4. What Happens After Death (July 11, 2008)
  5. What is Creation? (February 4, 2007)
  6. The New God (Feb. 12, 2009)
  7. The New God (Feb. 12, 2009)
  8. The Engine of War (April 17, 2008)
  9. The New God (Feb 12, 2009)
  10. The Age of Women (Nov 14, 2007)
  11. The Engine of War (April 17, 2008)