"People believe many things, But they know very little. They are living at the surface of the mind, Which is turbulent and chaotic And governed by the winds And the passions of the world." [1]
"Belief will not get you into your Ancient Home, your Heavenly state, because belief is too weak, too temporary. When you leave this world, you will not have any beliefs. They all pass with the body. You will just be there, you as you really are."
"The Revelation is beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect. It is beyond the realm and reach of beliefs and ideology. For God does not create belief. God does not create ideology. God only gives you wisdom and clarity and a high standard to live by. You are either able to adopt these things, or you are not.
To adopt them, you must adopt them compassionately, without using them as a weapon to oppress others or to condemn others. To condemn others to Hell and damnation is to misunderstand God’s Revelations, both present and in the past."