User talk:Mary s

From New_Message_from_God_Wiki
Revision as of 18:41, 26 October 2012 by Mary s (talk | contribs)
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“pray for the Messenger that he may have the strength and the courage and the assistance to bring the New Message into the world, to navigate the difficulties that will surely arise regarding this. That those of us who are called to assist him will respond, for he alone cannot undertake such a great mission.” (Messenger's Prayer)

Tasks for getting The New Message from God Wikipedia page to stick

Any and everybody

  1. Learn to edit Wikipedia (MS, VS, JD, WB)
    1. Get a Wikipedia username. (MS, VS, JD, WB)
    2. Get to know Wikipedia.(MS, VS, JD, WB)
      1. overview
      2. notability
      3. User's Guide
  2. Locate citations to support detail. Use form: author, date, website (or name of blog if author is anonymous)
  3. Get permissions for citations:
    1. Reed (pending)
    2. √Tyyne, Joyanne, Douglas, Ellen: o.k. to use their names
    3. √Gina o.k. as anonymous
  4. Check the date of blog entries for pertinence
    1. look for the write-up in The A.V. Club--hmm, maybe Will or someone better at internet research can find this. Is it linked on the "Marshall Vian Summers" page?
    2. look for Joe Mantaldo's Wake-up interview--check again with correct spelling
    3. look for Rob McConnel's X-Zone (Canadian radio) interview
    4. George Noory, New Dimensions Radio interview
    5. Michael Toms (is he the New Dimensions Radio interviewer?)
    6. Maureen Moss presentation
√Include Project Camelot interview
√include Goddiscussion interview (has a good reference to the recording process and to the number of pages)
include blogs: Tyyne's, Reeds, Gina's, Ellen Rosenthal's, Joyanne's, Douglas's on
Steps Practice (blog) and
include Joyanne's interviews
Paradigm Shift Cafe 8/17/12, first hour
Paradigm Shift Cafe 8/17/12, second hour
Include videos
video: "God's Prophet..." "the trailer video"
review the citations on the "Marshall Vian Summers" page--are they still good? are any of them useful here?
Contemplate extensions and elaborations to be added by various editors
the numbering of pages, the total years ongoing of Revelation? (source: the "trailer" video)
this page on Kerry Cassidy's website has a note near the bottom of a long discussion where she endorses MVS:
full list of publications from NKL with links to free content online
  1. Compose a 5-sentence, objective description of the New Message from God
The New Message from God, a new religious movement from the United States of America, originates from the teachings and pronouncements of the religious leader Marshall Vian Summers, also known as "The Messenger."[1] Adherents to The New Message from God regard the work and person of Marshall Vian Summers as a Prophet of God on the order of the Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad[2], but with the difference that the revelation purported to have been received[3] by Summers over a period of 30 years[4] is recorded on tape [5]and then transcribed as never before[6]. Key components of the revelation, the majority [3]attributed to a divine source, warnings about an extraterrestrial[7] incursion upon Earth called the Intervention[8] and pronouncements about the future involving global upheaval[9] and interaction between the human race and off-planet races from the sector called the Greater Community.[10]
Based in Boulder, Colorado[11], the Society for New Message from God has established New Knowledge Library, responsible for publishing the revelations of the New Message,[12] and The Free School, where students meet online and collaborate in guided study[13] ; it hosts an annual meeting in Estes Park, CO, called the Encampment[14], gatherings of followers worldwide[15] and broadcasts over the internet.


Find 3-5 citations for each sentence--any statement that can be supported by a citation is best
Include the words "Messenger," (√) "Prophet of God," (√) "New Knowledge Library," (√)"New Religious Movement"(√) "Religous Leaders" (√, sort of) or "Leaders of Religions" with links (there is no page for the last two)
Format the article and the citations on this page; copy over to user page on Wikipedia and delete from this page when ready to post on Wikipedia
Think about posting from a computer that is not located in Boulder, CO?
After initial post by one editor, add more detail from other editors: the Project Camelot link, the wiki. What about Youtube links?
Any editor can fix the citations for blogs which should have author's name and date. Need to get author's permission to list their name in the citation.
Start a discussion page about the use of primary sources? The aspect of the NM that the Revelation is preserved intact? meh.

Actively pursue recognition from media and academic voices
V. Diaz's brother in Mexico--follow up?
write to the academic experts listed on the "New Religious Movements" page to inform them of the NMFG, keep a record here of those contacted
9/28/12: emailed Timothy Miller, J. Gordon Melton
feel really scared after reading about the Judas error ("Dealing with Resistance and Hostility to the New Message")--don't hand over MVS to the experts on NRMs?

Ask international students to contact media
esp. prior to Marshall's travels and other NMFG events abroad
M. T. in the U.K. is looking for a freelance reporter to write up events
D & T in France have been contacted
Ask other students to get Wikipedia usernames to help edit?
Begin composing a page for New Knowledge Library?
I'm divided: should the citations for websites include the web address visible in the citation?