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"Your deeper purpose was created before you came into the world. Your destiny was established before you came into the world. It is not the providence [province] of the intellect." [1]


"You have a real relationship with the Unseen Ones. You have a fundamental relationship with Knowledge and a responsibility to Knowledge. You have a real relationship with your Spiritual Family, who have sent you into the world to become a contributor. You have a real relationship with the natural world, which is the arena of life into which you have come to participate and to contribute. You have a real relationship with your mind, which is the vehicle for your contribution and communication. You have a real relationship with your physical body, which is the vehicle for your mind and for you to be able to participate in the world and to reach people while you are here. With Knowledge, these relationships become revealed and re-established in your awareness."[2]

Not Certain

"You are not here to understand life; you are here to serve life. And Knowledge has your form of service and contribution already established. Now how this works out is dependent upon many things in the world, so everything that occurs is not preordained. Your direction is preordained. Your gift is preordained. But how it will be expressed, where it will be expressed, or even if it will be expressed is dependent upon the situation in the world. It is dependent upon whether people who are meant to be part of your service make their rendezvous with you. It depends on the conditions of life. It depends on many things, mostly beyond your control." [3]

"These are others who you will have to find in life. They will not be the charming personalities and the beautiful faces and the gracious social behavior that draw so many people. They will not even be people who you could love or for whom you have some past association. Most of those people will not share your future even if you have had a distant past association with them. You will need Knowledge now, for it alone within you will know. It will see. It will respond. If that other person is not ready, well, it will be a tragedy for you. That does not mean your life is over. It just means that another plan will have to be established for you. Your journey will be longer and more uncertain as a result." [4]

Not Subject for Debate

"This is not an ideological debate. It is not an intellectual problem. It is more fundamental than this. It is a question of whether you will follow your deeper conscience or your own fear and insecurity. There may be much debate on how cooperation can be established and how it can be established in an equitable manner, and this will require great work, of course. But the choice within the individual is very elemental." [5]


  1. The Awakening (October 20, 2008)
  2. The Meaning of Christmas (December 23, 1994)
  3. The New Message on Fulfillment (August 24, 2007)
  4. The Gift of a New Life (May 14, 2011)
  5. The New Message on Forgiveness (October 14, 2008)

Further Study