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"Do not seek for the world to give you what you want, for that is the path of disappointment and disillusionment. Instead, seek for the opportunity to contribute something greater to a world that needs what you have, for indeed you have what the world needs." [1]

Short Quotes

"If you are feeding people or helping to restore the environment or working for social justice or sending aid and relief to people in a poor country—all these things are strengthening the reality and power of Knowledge in the world." [2]

"An unconflicted life is the greatest contribution that can be given into the world, for this is a life that will spark the beginning of Knowledge in all, a spark that can carry itself into the future far beyond your individual life." [3]

"Your greatest teaching in this life is the contribution of your life as it is demonstrated to others." [4]

"Ultimately, union and contribution are the greatest powers in the universe." "Your contribution is unique, and this is the meaning and value of your individuality." [1]

Long Quotes

"The value of your life is consummated and fully demonstrated through your contribution to others because until ontribution exists, you can only partially realize yourself — your value, your purpose, your meaning and your direction. You do not need now to determine what you wish to contribute. That is not as important as your desire to contribute, for the form of contribution will become evident to you in time and will evolve as well. It is your desire to contribute born of true motivation that will give you joy this day." [5]

"There are no Masters living in the world, for Mastery is attained beyond the world. There are advanced students. There are students of great accomplishment. But there are no Masters living in the world. Perfection is not found here, only contribution. Whoever remains in the world remains to learn the lessons of the world. The lessons of the world must be learned not only in your individual life, but in a life of contribution as well. Your genuine education far exceeds what you have realized thus far. It is not merely the correction of errors. It is the contribution of gifts." [6]


"Any gift, however small, improves the condition of humanity. You cannot see this, of course, but it is true because it is an aggregate. It is like a scale. If evil and oppression are weighing down the scale completely on one side, you do not have something as great as that to counteract it, to balance the scale, to offset the overwhelming dominance of evil and circumstance, of ignorance, of oppression, of poverty.... When you add to the other part of the scale something small, it seems to have no effect. But when others add something small, sooner or later, in time, the scale is balanced, and beyond this it moves in favor of what is true and natural for human beings, which is to be united with others, which is to be creative, which is to be in service to their families and cultures in the world, to preserve the world, to take care of people, to be inspired and to have the glow of an inner life within themselves. Even when circumstances look bad, even in the face of failure and defeat, the power of Knowledge is within you." [7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Greater Community Spirituality
  2. Relationships and the Mental Environment, Chapter 9 2/5/07
  3. Steps to Knowledge 105
  4. Steps to Knowledge 244
  5. Steps to Knowledge 53
  6. Steps to Knowledge 106
  7. The New Message for the Impoverished and Oppressed (April 18, 2008)