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Short Quotes

Let Knowledge be your guide and let the world tell you where it is going and what is emerging on the horizon. Be watchful. Still your mind. Set aside your desires and your constant fear by taking the Steps to Knowledge. Receive the Revelation, the New Message for Humanity. You are blessed to even know of this.

  • The Shock of the Future (April 30, 2011)

...silence is the experience of profound relationship, and stillness is the acceptance of profound love.

Benefits of Stillness

"Stillness of mind allows a Greater Mind to emerge and to reveal its Wisdom. Those who cultivate stillness with a desire for Knowledge will be preparing themselves for greater revelation and true insight to emerge."

"In stillness and quiet, everything becomes apparent."

Long Quotes

Stillness Practice

"Some people need an image; some people need a sound; some people need a repeated breathing; some people just need to relax, but stay focused."

  • Stilling the Mind, 9/14/1995, Boulder, CO


"Stop for a moment. Allow your mind to settle down. Breathe deeply. Go to a quiet place. Set aside your thoughts and your plans, goals and problems long enough, you do this frequently enough and you begin to experience the Presence. After awhile, it just emerges, in small glimpses at first and then, as you proceed, you will have larger experiences of it, enough to show you what you need to see and know about yourself and about your circumstances. This is the process of Revelation."

  • The Presence (December 7, 2009)

"Practice in stillness, and do not be discouraged if it is difficult at first. Simply practice and you will proceed."

Preoccupation and Distraction

"As you perform your stillness practice, bring yourself completely to your exercise. It is a form of personal dedication. In most cases, you will dispel anything that distracts you with this sense of dedication. In those situations where you cannot overcome the preoccupations of the mind, become a detached witness to them."

  • Step 19, Steps Continuation Training