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"Thinking you know is thinking without Knowledge, which is always mindless and engenders confusion and self-doubt." [1]

"Your" ... "interactions with others" ... "will provide the environment where you will either reclaim your True Self or deepen the darkness of your separation and self-doubt."[2]

"Self-doubt may continue in the face of Knowledge, but Knowledge is so much greater because your whole being will be engaged in the activity. Only the littleness of your self-doubt, born of your own false beliefs, can argue against it. Yet, its arguments are pathetic and pitiful and lack depth and conviction."[3]

"While you have a self that you need to doubt and that you need to understand, you also have a Self that you can learn to trust- completely and wholeheartedly. This Greater Self is the source of certainty, guidance, strength, courage and Wisdom. It is what we call Knowledge. It represents the immortal part of yourself- the part of you that came into the world fully intact and fully prepared to carry out a mission in life."[4]


"Allow yourself to leave self-doubt and the sense of unworthiness aside, for these things will be consumed in the fire of Knowledge and purified from your mind." [5]

"Doubt what is doubtful. Trust what is certain. Doubt what is temporary. Trust what is permanent." Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

"Most people are far overdue in taking action regarding things that they have seen and known. They are afraid to face the discomfort, afraid to face the self-doubt and afraid to give up some small perceived benefit in order to change their attitude or behavior in a way that is utterly beneficial to them."[6]

"Change is upsetting. It is costly. It is risky. Unless the situation is utterly terrible, people adapt and build their lives around a set of circumstances. To change requires a great force from within them. This involves inconvenience. It involves self-doubt. It involves living with questions that one cannot fully answer. It involves taking action and giving up privileges or seeming benefits at the outset."[6]

Surviving Self-Doubt Along The Way

"We teach people to recognize their Knowledge, to begin to use it and to begin the path of Knowledge according to the Ancient Teaching. Immediately people are faced with a few obstacles. Primary amongst these obstacles is their own self-doubt, which reflects their self-hatred. Can you trust something inside yourself when your mind has fooled you so many times, when so many times you found out you were wrong when you thought you were right, when you did such stupid things so many times?"[7]

"When individuals begins to follow their Knowledge, they are confronted with their own self-doubt and their fear of self-judgment. It is their own ideas they are afraid of. What scares them is their own ideas! Well, the only way to know that an idea is only an idea is to face it if it stands in your way. If you become a student of Knowledge and you begin to follow a deeper, more profound power within you, you will be confronted with your own doubts and your own judgments about life.""[7]

"What can undermine your preparation and your contribution but self-doubt and fear? What can dissuade you from proceeding with certainty and complete engagement but the doubt that Knowledge exists in the world?"[8]

"Like walking across the long footbridge, if you keep talking steps and keep focused on your goal, you will reach the other side and you will spare yourself much anxiety and aggravation. This is how you surpass self-doubt; this is how you continue forward and transcend those things that obstructed you previously."[9]

"With Knowledge you cannot be at war within yourself. In time, all of your self-doubt, uncertainty, fear and anxiety will wear away.'[10]

"With this empowerment come the conditions for empowerment—that you respond to Knowledge and follow Knowledge, that you refrain from all motivations that are not born of Knowledge, that you become objective with yourself and your motives, that you question yourself without doubting yourself and that you surround yourself with individuals who can support the emergence of Knowledge within you and are free to tell you their own perceptions." [11]

Further Study

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume II, Chapter 27: Self-Doubt


  1. Steps to Knowledge, Step 227
  2. Relationships and Higher Purpose, Chapter 3: Your Relationship with Others
  3. Steps to Knowledge, Step 236
  4. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Volume Two'', Chapter 27: Self-Doubt
  5. Steps to Knowledge, Step 334
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 14: Seeing, Knowing and Taking Action
  7. 7.0 7.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume II, Chapter 23: Forgiveness
  8. 'Steps to Knowledge, Step 319
  9. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume II, Chapter 11: Spiritual Practice
  10. Steps to Knowledge, Step 287
  11. Steps to Knowledge, Step 271