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Revelation in Human History

"All of God’s Messages that have been sent into the world over time have been to strengthen humanity and to foster freedom, to build human civilization. Though every religion has been started by God, they have all been changed by people, even to the point that their initial intent has been lost. But in essence, God has initiated all the world’s religions to enable human civilization to grow and become stronger."

  • Resisting the Intervention (September 10, 2008)

"At every great time of Revelation, spread out intermittently over the course of human history, how many have failed to recognize the significance of the event that was taking place in their lives, at their time?

  • God's Power and Presence in the World (April 23, 2011)


"Do not strive for revelation. Do not set it as part of your plans and your goals. Set out instead to become a student of Knowledge and to patiently proceed without claiming grand schemes, designs or abilities for yourself."

Special Revelation

"Revelation is a gift that is given to certain indivuals who will have a prominent role to play in leading others. It happens very rarely and only under very special circumstances."

Gradual Revelation

"It is not sudden and dramatic.... It is something you will gradually be able to feel, as the veil between physical life and life beyond the physical becomes thinner and thinner and as you experience more and more communication and are able to receive the translation of insight and information coming into your mind. Increasingly, you will have a sense that there is a presence, an intelligence, on the other side.

"Revelation, then, is a slow, growing experience of purpose, meaning and direction in life."

Revelation as Demonstration

"Your mind and your body need to become vehicles for a greater expression and purpose. To allow this to manifest in specific and mundane ways where it is intended and where it is needed--this is revelation."

See also