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== Short Quotes ==
"Every New Revelation has been resisted and denied and disputed. There is no time for this now."
The world needs a New Revelation, for Christianity cannot save the world. Islam cannot save the world. Buddhism and Hinduism cannot save the world. And Judaism was never designed to save the world.
<ref name="tr"/>
*God Has Spoken Again (February 24, 2011)
Every New Revelation has been resisted and denied and disputed.
"There is no one on Earth who could give you this theology, for there is no one on Earth who understands the reality of life in the universe. There is no one on Earth that can teach you about the Greater Community, for how would they know?" <ref name="to"/>
There is no time for this now.
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
Never before has such a Revelation been given to the human family, for it was not needed.
"You must protect the Revelation from condemnation and usurpation and all of the ignorant and unfortunate incentives that people bring to something of this nature. "<ref name="ptMatM">''The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message'' : [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-2/the-worldwide-community-of-gods-new-message/protecting-the-message-and-the-messenger  Protecting the Message and the Messenger]</ref>
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
Humanity will fail without the New Revelation.
==There is a new Revelation in the world ...==
The world will become ever darker, more dangerous and conflicted without the Revelation.
"Unlike anything that humanity has ever received before." <ref name="to">''The One God'', Chapter 3: [http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/one-god/the-origin The Origin]</ref>
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
For you to comprehend the God of the Greater Community, then you must comprehend the Voice of the Revelation.
"Not only to prepare you for the Great Waves of change, but to begin to educate you about the nature of spirituality in the universe and the larger picture of your existence so that you can find your place within a far greater reality." <ref name="to"/>
*The Voice of the Revelation (April 14, 2011)
It is at this great threshold in humanity’s history that a New Revelation has been sent into the world, and a Messenger has been sent here to receive it, to prepare it and to present it. For him, it is a long journey, a long and difficult journey.
"That is why your comprehension now must be greater. You must begin to think of things that you have never thought of before, to break down the distinctions you have made that have no place in a real understanding and to make new distinctions that must be made in order for the new understanding to emerge. It will take a long time for people to learn this, but even if a few can, it is a beginning." <ref name="to"/>
*God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction (April 22, 2011)
Not everyone is ready to receive the New Revelation. God knows this and there is no condemnation here.
==Why there is a new Revelation==
*God’s Power & Presence in the World (April 23, 2011)
At every great time of Revelation, spread out intermittently over the course of human history, how many have failed to recognize the significance of the event that was taking place in their lives, at their time?
"Now God has spoken again to protect human civilization from internal disintegration and collapse and from subjugation from forces in the universe who seek to take advantage of human conflict and ignorance."<ref>''God Has Spoken Again'', Chapter 5: [http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/seal-of-the-prophets The Seal of the Prophets] </ref>
*God’s Power & Presence in the World (April 23, 2011)
You may argue against the Revelation, but it is the only Revelation, and it will be the only Revelation. Whether it is accepted or denied, this is it.
== The Great Need ==
*The Will of Heaven (May 17, 2011)
It is the Will of Heaven that you respond to the New Revelation. It is the Will of Heaven that you take the Steps to Knowledge, patiently, without presumption, setting aside your beliefs, your preferences and your fears as you proceed so that you may engage with a greater strength, a greater integrity and a great purpose within yourself.
"It is time now for a greater comprehension of God and an expanded understanding of God, who is the Source and Author of your life and of all life within this world and throughout the Greater Community of worlds in which you live." <ref name="togi">''The One God'', Chapter 1: [http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/one-god/comprehending-god Comprehending God]</ref>
*The Will of Heaven (May 17, 2011)
== Long Quotes ==
"The world needs a New Revelation, for Christianity cannot save the world. Islam cannot save the world. Buddhism and Hinduism cannot save the world. And Judaism was never designed to save the world."
Now you must face the next great threshold—a world in decline, a world of declining resources, a world of declining stability, a world of diminishing food and water, a world where a growing humanity will have to face the conditions of the world.
<ref>''God Has Spoken Again'', Chapter 4: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/god-has-spoken God Has Spoken Again]</ref>
For this you need the New Revelation.
The past Revelations of the Creator cannot prepare you for the Great Waves of change.
"The past Revelations of the Creator cannot prepare you for the Great Waves of change.
They cannot prepare you for your destiny in the Greater Community.
They cannot prepare you for your destiny in the Greater Community.
They cannot prepare you for the great thresholds that are now upon you and will be upon you increasingly.
They cannot prepare you for the great thresholds that are now upon you and will be upon you increasingly.
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
You do not have answers in the face of these things.
That is why the Revelation is being given, for humanity now needs to be advised and warned, blessed and given the preparation for a future that will be unlike the past."
Humanity will fail without the New Revelation.
<ref name="tr"/>
The world will become ever darker, more dangerous and conflicted without the Revelation.
Humanity will falter and fail in the face of its own errors and lack of clarity.
The resources of the world will be spent through conflict, competition and war.
People will rise up against their governments.
People will rise up against one another.
There will be untold conflict in the future, greater and more continuous than anything you have seen before.
It is the New Revelation that holds the missing ingredients to your understanding, the key to your awareness and the source of your power, strength and determination.
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
People reject the Revelation because they do not want to change.
They do not want to have to reconsider their beliefs, their ideas and their position in society.
They cannot dispute the New Message, really.
They can only avoid it and contend against it to protect their previous investment and idea of themselves.
Who can contend against the will and the wisdom of the Creator, except on spurious grounds?
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
The New Revelation is calling upon you to respond to Knowledge within yourself and to listen to the Voice of Revelation.
You will have many questions, of course.
You may have fears and suspicions.
You may have grave doubts.
That is all to be expected.
But the challenge for you is, can you respond to the New Revelation?
Can you hear the Voice of Revelation?
Can you have the humility and the responsibility to see that you are living at a time of Revelation and what this might mean for you?
What is your responsibility in this matter?
What does this calling mean for you?
Do not concern yourself with other people if the calling is for you.
This is between you and God, between you and Us.
We are the only Angelic Presence overseeing the world.
Choose other voices and you will choose voices from the Greater Community, who will take advantage of humanity’s religious assumptions.
They can project voices into the world as well.
How will you know the difference?
How can you tell what is true from what is false, what is good from what only looks good?
The challenge is upon the listener.
God is being real with you. Can you be real with God?
"Now you must face the next great threshold—a world in decline, a world of declining resources, a world of declining stability, a world of diminishing food and water, a world where a growing humanity will have to face the conditions of the world. For this you need the New Revelation. The past Revelations of the Creator cannot prepare you for the Great Waves of change. They cannot prepare you for your destiny in the Greater Community. They cannot prepare you for the great thresholds that are now upon you and will be upon you increasingly."
<ref name="tr"/>
God is being honest with you. Can you be honest with God?
==A Great Warning==
God is serving you and assisting you in ways you cannot serve yourself.  
"Recognize the difference
between a spiritual presence and a visitation from the Greater
Community. Yet how can you have the framework to make this
distinction? Where can you learn such things? Who in your world
is in the position to teach about the reality of the Greater Community?
Only a teaching from beyond the world can prepare you for life
beyond the world, and life beyond the world is now in your world,
seeking to establish itself here, seeking to extend its influence, seeking to win the minds and hearts and souls of people everywhere."  <ref>''The Allies of Humanity'' Book One, Third Briefing: [https://www.alliesofhumanity.org/the-briefings/book-one/the-visitors/ A Great Warning]</ref>
==The Great Blessing==
Can you accept this and follow the preparation that God is giving to save humanity?
"God’s New Revelation will clarify the nature of human spirituality, which has been overlaid by culture, by convention and by political manipulation. It will make it clear that you are born with two minds—a worldly mind that is conditioned by the world and a deeper mind within you that is still connected to God." <ref name="initiation"/>
The burden is upon the listener.
==A Great Reformation==
The proof is in the nature of your response.
"Everything that is incorrect about how people view God and God’s Presence and activity in the world will be represented and demonstrated as God’s New Message is proclaimed and brought here. The anger, the fear, the doubt, the issues with religion, the confusion about religion, the insistence that people think they know what God’s Will and Purpose is, the mindless association with beliefs and ideas that have little connection to reality—these are all the problems that will arise, you see."<ref name="ptMatM"/>
The proof is in what it calls for in you and your resonance with the truth of the Revelation.
"The Revelation has been given with its own commentary and in such great detail and repetition that it will not rely so greatly upon human interpretation as have the previous Messages that have been given to humanity."
<ref name="tsotM"/>
God speaks the truth through the Angelic Presence.
"God’s New Revelation is not here to simply add value to your current existence or to validate your current ideas and pursuits. It is not here to validate the world’s religions or to conform to their beliefs or expectations, for God is not bound by these things. It is not here to validate your expectations, for the Creator of all the universes is certainly not bound by this."
<ref>''The Journey to a New Life'', Chapter 6: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/journey-new-life/the-gift-of-a-new-life The Gift of a New Life]</ref>
Can you hear this, feel this and respond to this?
==The Great Mystery==
Or is your mind so fixated, so bound in its beliefs, fears and suspicions that it cannot hear, it cannot respond?
"At every great time of Revelation, spread out intermittently over the course of human history, how many have failed to recognize the significance of the event that was taking place in their lives, at their time?"
*The Voice of the Revelation (April 14, 2011)
<ref name="gpapitw"/>
You are hearing the Voice of the Revelation.
It is the Voice of many.
==The audience waiting for the New Revelation==
It is the Voice of wisdom and Knowledge on a scale you cannot imagine.
"If it is your destiny to receive the New Revelation, then you cannot find your calling anywhere else."  <ref name="initiation"/>
The miracle will be in the nature of your response.
"There are many people waiting for the New Revelation, for they have not found this Initiation in the religions of the past, in the traditions of the world. They have not been able to find the deeper connection through love, through work or through any other activity. So long have they been waiting for the Revelation." <ref name="initiation">''God Has Spoken Again'', Chapter 4: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/the-initiation The Initiation]</ref>
Can the separated be reached by the Creator of all life, or will they remain in the darkness of Separation, with only their fears and desires and assumptions to guide them?
"Even at this moment, there are millions waiting to receive God’s New Revelation." <ref>''The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message'', Chapter 6: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-2/the-worldwide-community-of-gods-new-message/worldwide-community-gods-new-message The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message]</ref>
Or will they respond and be ignited, enabling them to recall their greater responsibilities to be in the world, giving them the courage and the determination to follow a very different pathway in life?
"Not everyone needs to respond, only a critical mass of people to turn the tide for the human family. You must be part of this." <ref>The Vehicle of Revelation</ref>
Will they be able to receive Knowledge and wisdom from the universe, to prepare humanity for the universe?
==The challenge of the New Revelation==
Will they be able to respond to God’s Revelation?
"Not everyone is ready to receive the New Revelation. God knows this and there is no condemnation here."
<ref name="gpapitw">[https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/other-revelations/gods-power-in-you God’s Power & Presence in the World] (April 23, 2011)</ref>
This is it!
"It is the Will of Heaven that you respond to the New Revelation. It is the Will of Heaven that you take the Steps to Knowledge, patiently, without presumption, setting aside your beliefs, your preferences and your fears as you proceed so that you may engage with a greater strength, a greater integrity and a great purpose within yourself."
<ref name="twoh"/>
There will not be another.
"People reject the Revelation because they do not want to change. They do not want to have to reconsider their beliefs, their ideas and their position in society. They cannot dispute the New Message, really. They can only avoid it and contend against it to protect their previous investment and idea of themselves. Who can contend against the will and the wisdom of the Creator, except on spurious grounds?"
<ref name="tr"/>)
There will not be another.
"Once again, humanity is challenged with a New Revelation. Can it receive this? Can it comprehend this? Can it accept this, or will it fight and struggle and denounce and continue its violent and ignorant ways? Will the human intellect still try to replace the power of Knowledge within the individual? Will religion grow and expand, or will it contract and become self-defensive? Will people be able to change, to have a real change of heart to prepare them for the future and to assure them a greater life and a greater security in the world? These are questions that only people can answer."
<ref name="tng">''The One God'', Chapter 2: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/one-god/new-god-revelation The New God Revelation]</ref>
This is the Revelation for this time and the times to come.
"The New Revelation is calling upon you to respond to Knowledge within yourself and to listen to the Voice of Revelation. You will have many questions, of course. You may have fears and suspicions. You may have grave doubts. That is all to be expected. But the challenge for you is, can you respond to the New Revelation? Can you hear the Voice of Revelation? Can you have the [[humility]] and the responsibility to see that you are [[living at a time of Revelation]] and what this might mean for you? What is your [[responsibility]] in this matter? What does this calling mean for you?"
<ref name="tvotR">''The Time of Revelation'': [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/the-time-of-revelation/the-voice-of-the-revelation The Voice of the Revelation]</ref>
God is sending only one Revelation to the world.
"People will not understand it. People will be confused. Some people will be outraged and threatened. But God’s Revelation is not given to meet people’s expectations." <ref name="togi"/>
Any other revelation is either a human invention or is a manipulation from those races who are intervening in the world today.
"People are obsessed with their needs, their issues, their longing and their desires. They do not see the movement of the world. For the world has changed, but people have not changed with it. And now you are facing a new set of realities. What will God say to this as people feel overwhelmed, as their prophecies for the future do not come true, as the return of their savior does not occur, as they believe that God is creating all these problems for them? The Revelation speaks to all these things, but you must be open to the Revelation, and you must face the prospect of great change, for it is upon you and the world, and it is going to move forward."
<ref name="gimhiand"/>
You cannot come to God on your terms.
[[File:Only god.jpg|right]]
You cannot determine the nature and the rules of engagement.
"People will argue, of course, unwilling or unable to reconsider their position and to open themselves to the New Revelation. They think they understand [[Quotes About God's Will|God’s will]] and purpose for the peoples of this world. They think they understand what Revelation means and when it can occur. They think they understand. But who can understand this fully? Who has the wisdom and the breadth and the capacity to understand this fully? Surely this must exceed human comprehension. And surely there must be enough [[humility]] and [[honesty]] for people to realize that they cannot predict when and how the Creator of all the universes will speak to this one tiny little planet. Human ignorance and arrogance unite into a dangerous combination, a combination that is vehement and oppressive. It is jaded and highly opinionated. It is polarized and will continue to divide the human family—a [[division]] that can only weaken you in the face of the great change that is coming to the world."
<ref name="twoh"/>
You can only come to God on God’s terms, and God is establishing the terms in such a way that people will become stronger, more compassionate, more powerful, more engaged in the world and more cooperative with one another.
==The urgency of the New Revelation==
You cannot have it be your way.
"Never before has such a Revelation been given to the human family, for it was not needed."
<ref name="tr">''God Has Spoken Again'': Chapter 2: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/the-recitation The Recitation]</ref>
It must be God’s way, for God knows and you do not.
"God’s New Revelation for the world, perhaps the most important Revelation ever given—given now to save humanity from itself; given now to save human civilization; given now to redeem all those who can respond to it; given now with great urgency, great [[The Warning|warning]], but also with the great [[The Blessing|Blessing]] of the Creator."<ref>''The New World'', Chapter 3: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/new-world/the-global-emergency The Global Emergency]</ref>
God sees what is coming over the horizon, far, far out to sea.
"[[Humanity]] will fail without the New Revelation. The world will become ever darker, more dangerous and conflicted without the Revelation. Humanity will falter and fail in the face of its own errors and lack of clarity. The [[resources]] of the world will be spent through conflict, [[competition]] and [[war]]. People will rise up against their governments. People will rise up against one another. There will be untold conflict in the future, greater and more continuous than anything you have seen before. It is the New Revelation that holds the missing ingredients to your understanding, the key to your awareness and the source of your [[power]], [[strength]] and [[determination]]."
<ref name="tr"/>
You do not see these things.
"It is at this great [[threshold]] in humanity’s history that a New Revelation has been sent into the world, and a Messenger has been sent here to receive it, to prepare it and to present it. For him, it is a long journey, a long and difficult journey."
<ref name="gimhiand">'' God Has Spoken Again'', Chapter 12: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/god-is-moving-humanity-in-a-new-direction God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction]</ref>
God knows what human destiny is.
"Without the New Message from God, humanity would fall into grave conflicts and precipitous decline, making you vulnerable to foreign powers who are already in this world to gain influence and [[authority]] here. People do not realize they are standing at the precipice, not only of great change, but also of subjugation. This is [[the Greater Darkness]] in the world, a Greater Darkness that most people are too afraid to even think about. But it is something that humanity must prepare for, and that is why God has given a New Revelation."
<ref name="tsotM">''The New Messenger'', Chapter 4: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/new-messenger/the-story-of-the-messenger The Story of the Messenger]</ref>
You do not now know what human destiny is.
==The singularity of the New Revelation==
God knows why you are in the world and who you must meet and where you must go.  
"God is sending only one Revelation to the world. Any other revelation is either a human invention or is a manipulation from those races who are intervening in the world today. You cannot come to [[God]] on your terms. You cannot determine the nature and the rules of engagement. You can only come to God on God’s terms, and God is establishing the terms in such a way that people will become stronger, more compassionate, more powerful, more engaged in the world and more cooperative with one another. "
<ref name="tvotR"/>
You cannot see this, for you can only be where you are.
"You may argue against the Revelation, but it is the only [[Revelation]], and it will be the only Revelation. Whether it is accepted or denied, this is it."
<ref name="twoh">''The New Messenger'', Chapter 1: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/new-messenger/the-will-of-heaven The Will of Heaven]</ref>
You cannot understand the Voice of the Revelation intellectually.
==The authenticity of the New Revelation==
That will not produce real recognition.
"The [[authenticity]] of the Revelation is in the Revelation. It is entirely honest. It is entirely pure. It is entirely clear. If you will listen with an open heart, seeking to serve and know God, then its gifts will become apparent, and you will see their total relevance to the world you are facing now and will have to face increasingly in the future." <ref name="gnmftow">[https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/other-revelations/gods-new-message-for-the-islamic-world God's New Message for the Islamic World (December 30, 2014)]</ref>
Recognition happens at a deeper level, beneath the surface of the mind, at the level of your heart and deeper conscience—not your social conscience, but the conscience that God has created, that enables you to respond to the truth and to gain immunity from that which is false.
==The comprehensiveness of the New Revelation==
You can only know Us and hear Us with your heart.
"God’s New Revelation is more expansive and inclusive and detailed than anything that has ever been brought to the world before. It is being given at a time when the [[Humanity|human family]] has become literate and is participating in a world [[civilization]] and economy with international [[communication]]. It is a very different environment than any of the previous [[The world's religions|Revelations]], which were very regional in nature and which only spread over a great span of time and through much discord, conflict and [[Religious violence|violence]]." <ref name="tmotm">''God Has Spoken Again'', Chapter 6: [http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/mission-of-the-messenger The Mission of the Messenger]</ref>
You can only know and appreciate the Messenger with your heart.
"This Revelation is complete and comprehensive, touching on nearly every aspect of an individual’s life and the life of humanity, both now and in the future." <ref name="tmotm"/>
*The Voice of the Revelation (April 14, 2011)
People are obsessed with their needs, their issues, their longing and their desires. They do not see the movement of the world.
For the world has changed, but people have not changed with it. And now you are facing a new set of realities.
==Further Study==
What will God say to this as people feel overwhelmed, as their prophecies for the future do not come true, as the return of their savior does not occur, as they believe that God is creating all these problems for them?
*[https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again ''God Has Spoken Again'']
The Revelation speaks to all these things, but you must be open to the Revelation, and you must face the prospect of great change, for it is upon you and the world, and it is going to move forward.
==See Also==
*God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction (April 22, 2011)
People will argue, of course, unwilling or unable to reconsider their position and to open themselves to the New Revelation. They think they understand God’s will and purpose for the peoples of this world. They think they understand what Revelation means and when it can occur.
[[The Message and the Messenger]]
They think they understand. But who can understand this fully? Who has the wisdom and the breadth and the capacity to understand this fully? Surely this must exceed human comprehension. And surely there must be enough humility and honesty for people to realize that they cannot predict when and how the Creator of all the universes will speak to this one tiny little planet.
[[The Messenger]]
Human ignorance and arrogance unite into a dangerous combination, a combination that is vehement and oppressive. It is jaded and highly opinionated. It is polarized and will continue to divide the human family—a division that can only weaken you in the face of the great change that is coming to the world.
[[Older traditions and the New Message]]
*The Will of Heaven (May 17, 2011)
Without the New Message from God, humanity would fall into grave conflicts and precipitous decline, making you vulnerable to foreign powers who are already in this world to gain influence and authority here. People do not realize they are standing at the precipice, not only of great change, but also of subjugation.
[[The Way of Knowledge]]
This is the Greater Darkness in the world, a Greater Darkness that most people are too afraid to even think about. But it is something that humanity must prepare for, and that is why God has given a New Revelation.
*The Story of the Messenger (May 23, 2011)
[[Category:The Messenger]]
[[Category:The future world]]
[[Category:Sacred Texts]]
[[Category:The Great Waves of change]]

Revision as of 22:59, 23 May 2021

"Every New Revelation has been resisted and denied and disputed. There is no time for this now." [1]

"There is no one on Earth who could give you this theology, for there is no one on Earth who understands the reality of life in the universe. There is no one on Earth that can teach you about the Greater Community, for how would they know?" [2]


"You must protect the Revelation from condemnation and usurpation and all of the ignorant and unfortunate incentives that people bring to something of this nature. "[3]

There is a new Revelation in the world ...

"Unlike anything that humanity has ever received before." [2]

"Not only to prepare you for the Great Waves of change, but to begin to educate you about the nature of spirituality in the universe and the larger picture of your existence so that you can find your place within a far greater reality." [2]

"That is why your comprehension now must be greater. You must begin to think of things that you have never thought of before, to break down the distinctions you have made that have no place in a real understanding and to make new distinctions that must be made in order for the new understanding to emerge. It will take a long time for people to learn this, but even if a few can, it is a beginning." [2]

Why there is a new Revelation

"Now God has spoken again to protect human civilization from internal disintegration and collapse and from subjugation from forces in the universe who seek to take advantage of human conflict and ignorance."[4]

The Great Need

"It is time now for a greater comprehension of God and an expanded understanding of God, who is the Source and Author of your life and of all life within this world and throughout the Greater Community of worlds in which you live." [5]

"The world needs a New Revelation, for Christianity cannot save the world. Islam cannot save the world. Buddhism and Hinduism cannot save the world. And Judaism was never designed to save the world." [6]

"The past Revelations of the Creator cannot prepare you for the Great Waves of change. They cannot prepare you for your destiny in the Greater Community. They cannot prepare you for the great thresholds that are now upon you and will be upon you increasingly. You do not have answers in the face of these things. That is why the Revelation is being given, for humanity now needs to be advised and warned, blessed and given the preparation for a future that will be unlike the past." [1]

"Now you must face the next great threshold—a world in decline, a world of declining resources, a world of declining stability, a world of diminishing food and water, a world where a growing humanity will have to face the conditions of the world. For this you need the New Revelation. The past Revelations of the Creator cannot prepare you for the Great Waves of change. They cannot prepare you for your destiny in the Greater Community. They cannot prepare you for the great thresholds that are now upon you and will be upon you increasingly." [1]

A Great Warning

"Recognize the difference between a spiritual presence and a visitation from the Greater Community. Yet how can you have the framework to make this distinction? Where can you learn such things? Who in your world is in the position to teach about the reality of the Greater Community? Only a teaching from beyond the world can prepare you for life beyond the world, and life beyond the world is now in your world, seeking to establish itself here, seeking to extend its influence, seeking to win the minds and hearts and souls of people everywhere." [7]

The Great Blessing

"God’s New Revelation will clarify the nature of human spirituality, which has been overlaid by culture, by convention and by political manipulation. It will make it clear that you are born with two minds—a worldly mind that is conditioned by the world and a deeper mind within you that is still connected to God." [8]

A Great Reformation

"Everything that is incorrect about how people view God and God’s Presence and activity in the world will be represented and demonstrated as God’s New Message is proclaimed and brought here. The anger, the fear, the doubt, the issues with religion, the confusion about religion, the insistence that people think they know what God’s Will and Purpose is, the mindless association with beliefs and ideas that have little connection to reality—these are all the problems that will arise, you see."[3]

"The Revelation has been given with its own commentary and in such great detail and repetition that it will not rely so greatly upon human interpretation as have the previous Messages that have been given to humanity." [9]

"God’s New Revelation is not here to simply add value to your current existence or to validate your current ideas and pursuits. It is not here to validate the world’s religions or to conform to their beliefs or expectations, for God is not bound by these things. It is not here to validate your expectations, for the Creator of all the universes is certainly not bound by this." [10]

The Great Mystery

"At every great time of Revelation, spread out intermittently over the course of human history, how many have failed to recognize the significance of the event that was taking place in their lives, at their time?" [11]


The audience waiting for the New Revelation

"If it is your destiny to receive the New Revelation, then you cannot find your calling anywhere else." [8]

"There are many people waiting for the New Revelation, for they have not found this Initiation in the religions of the past, in the traditions of the world. They have not been able to find the deeper connection through love, through work or through any other activity. So long have they been waiting for the Revelation." [8]

"Even at this moment, there are millions waiting to receive God’s New Revelation." [12]

"Not everyone needs to respond, only a critical mass of people to turn the tide for the human family. You must be part of this." [13]

The challenge of the New Revelation

"Not everyone is ready to receive the New Revelation. God knows this and there is no condemnation here." [11]

"It is the Will of Heaven that you respond to the New Revelation. It is the Will of Heaven that you take the Steps to Knowledge, patiently, without presumption, setting aside your beliefs, your preferences and your fears as you proceed so that you may engage with a greater strength, a greater integrity and a great purpose within yourself." [14]

"People reject the Revelation because they do not want to change. They do not want to have to reconsider their beliefs, their ideas and their position in society. They cannot dispute the New Message, really. They can only avoid it and contend against it to protect their previous investment and idea of themselves. Who can contend against the will and the wisdom of the Creator, except on spurious grounds?" [1])

"Once again, humanity is challenged with a New Revelation. Can it receive this? Can it comprehend this? Can it accept this, or will it fight and struggle and denounce and continue its violent and ignorant ways? Will the human intellect still try to replace the power of Knowledge within the individual? Will religion grow and expand, or will it contract and become self-defensive? Will people be able to change, to have a real change of heart to prepare them for the future and to assure them a greater life and a greater security in the world? These are questions that only people can answer." [15]

"The New Revelation is calling upon you to respond to Knowledge within yourself and to listen to the Voice of Revelation. You will have many questions, of course. You may have fears and suspicions. You may have grave doubts. That is all to be expected. But the challenge for you is, can you respond to the New Revelation? Can you hear the Voice of Revelation? Can you have the humility and the responsibility to see that you are living at a time of Revelation and what this might mean for you? What is your responsibility in this matter? What does this calling mean for you?" [16]

"People will not understand it. People will be confused. Some people will be outraged and threatened. But God’s Revelation is not given to meet people’s expectations." [5]

"People are obsessed with their needs, their issues, their longing and their desires. They do not see the movement of the world. For the world has changed, but people have not changed with it. And now you are facing a new set of realities. What will God say to this as people feel overwhelmed, as their prophecies for the future do not come true, as the return of their savior does not occur, as they believe that God is creating all these problems for them? The Revelation speaks to all these things, but you must be open to the Revelation, and you must face the prospect of great change, for it is upon you and the world, and it is going to move forward." [17]

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"People will argue, of course, unwilling or unable to reconsider their position and to open themselves to the New Revelation. They think they understand God’s will and purpose for the peoples of this world. They think they understand what Revelation means and when it can occur. They think they understand. But who can understand this fully? Who has the wisdom and the breadth and the capacity to understand this fully? Surely this must exceed human comprehension. And surely there must be enough humility and honesty for people to realize that they cannot predict when and how the Creator of all the universes will speak to this one tiny little planet. Human ignorance and arrogance unite into a dangerous combination, a combination that is vehement and oppressive. It is jaded and highly opinionated. It is polarized and will continue to divide the human family—a division that can only weaken you in the face of the great change that is coming to the world." [14]

The urgency of the New Revelation

"Never before has such a Revelation been given to the human family, for it was not needed." [1]

"God’s New Revelation for the world, perhaps the most important Revelation ever given—given now to save humanity from itself; given now to save human civilization; given now to redeem all those who can respond to it; given now with great urgency, great warning, but also with the great Blessing of the Creator."[18]

"Humanity will fail without the New Revelation. The world will become ever darker, more dangerous and conflicted without the Revelation. Humanity will falter and fail in the face of its own errors and lack of clarity. The resources of the world will be spent through conflict, competition and war. People will rise up against their governments. People will rise up against one another. There will be untold conflict in the future, greater and more continuous than anything you have seen before. It is the New Revelation that holds the missing ingredients to your understanding, the key to your awareness and the source of your power, strength and determination." [1]

"It is at this great threshold in humanity’s history that a New Revelation has been sent into the world, and a Messenger has been sent here to receive it, to prepare it and to present it. For him, it is a long journey, a long and difficult journey." [17]

"Without the New Message from God, humanity would fall into grave conflicts and precipitous decline, making you vulnerable to foreign powers who are already in this world to gain influence and authority here. People do not realize they are standing at the precipice, not only of great change, but also of subjugation. This is the Greater Darkness in the world, a Greater Darkness that most people are too afraid to even think about. But it is something that humanity must prepare for, and that is why God has given a New Revelation." [9]

The singularity of the New Revelation

"God is sending only one Revelation to the world. Any other revelation is either a human invention or is a manipulation from those races who are intervening in the world today. You cannot come to God on your terms. You cannot determine the nature and the rules of engagement. You can only come to God on God’s terms, and God is establishing the terms in such a way that people will become stronger, more compassionate, more powerful, more engaged in the world and more cooperative with one another. " [16]

"You may argue against the Revelation, but it is the only Revelation, and it will be the only Revelation. Whether it is accepted or denied, this is it." [14]

The authenticity of the New Revelation

"The authenticity of the Revelation is in the Revelation. It is entirely honest. It is entirely pure. It is entirely clear. If you will listen with an open heart, seeking to serve and know God, then its gifts will become apparent, and you will see their total relevance to the world you are facing now and will have to face increasingly in the future." [19]

The comprehensiveness of the New Revelation

"God’s New Revelation is more expansive and inclusive and detailed than anything that has ever been brought to the world before. It is being given at a time when the human family has become literate and is participating in a world civilization and economy with international communication. It is a very different environment than any of the previous Revelations, which were very regional in nature and which only spread over a great span of time and through much discord, conflict and violence." [20]

"This Revelation is complete and comprehensive, touching on nearly every aspect of an individual’s life and the life of humanity, both now and in the future." [20]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 God Has Spoken Again: Chapter 2: The Recitation
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The One God, Chapter 3: The Origin
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message : Protecting the Message and the Messenger
  4. God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 5: The Seal of the Prophets
  5. 5.0 5.1 The One God, Chapter 1: Comprehending God
  6. God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 4: God Has Spoken Again
  7. The Allies of Humanity Book One, Third Briefing: A Great Warning
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 4: The Initiation
  9. 9.0 9.1 The New Messenger, Chapter 4: The Story of the Messenger
  10. The Journey to a New Life, Chapter 6: The Gift of a New Life
  11. 11.0 11.1 God’s Power & Presence in the World (April 23, 2011)
  12. The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message, Chapter 6: The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message
  13. The Vehicle of Revelation
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 The New Messenger, Chapter 1: The Will of Heaven
  15. The One God, Chapter 2: The New God Revelation
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Time of Revelation: The Voice of the Revelation
  17. 17.0 17.1 God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 12: God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction
  18. The New World, Chapter 3: The Global Emergency
  19. God's New Message for the Islamic World (December 30, 2014)
  20. 20.0 20.1 God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 6: The Mission of the Messenger

Further Study

See Also

The Message and the Messenger

The Messenger

Older traditions and the New Message

The Way of Knowledge