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"God is the attraction. The Plan is the means. You feel God. God is like a great attraction pulling you. God is pulling everything in."

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 2

"Your ideas about God’s Plan will always fall short of the reality because the reality is too great and too inclusive. It includes everyone. God is very smart. God takes everything that you have made and every reality that you have imagined and sets it all into motion with a great attraction to return Homeward. Within your own Knowledge you have this attraction. It is the great attraction from the Creator to the Created. If you are moving with it, you will demonstrate extraordinary power and grace in this world—not because you are a special person, but simply because your Knowledge has had the opportunity to shine through…God is everywhere, and the attraction to God is everywhere. It cannot be escaped forever."

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 9

"Your Teachers do not stay up nights thinking about how they are going to rescue you from the next error you are about to commit. They are simply with the attraction. They amplify the attraction and they express the attraction. That will undo all of your errors. God is pulling you Home. Even the overwhelming threat of this world and all of its attractions, fears and inducements that seem to dominate every moment of your life are nothing compared to the pull of God."

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 9

"God’s Will is a force of attraction that organizes all individuals that are separated at all levels of existence. This force organizes everyone into perfect complements of each other and this is what brings everything back to God."

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 12

"As you engage with Knowledge, even as you approach it, you will lose interest in most things that are not related to it. You will not want to run around so much. You will be drawn increasingly inward, as if a great attraction is pulling you to the very center of yourself, and you will not want so much stimulation. In fact, you will begin to value quiet and peacefulness more and more and noise and aggravation less and less."

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 7

See also
