Free energy

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No free energy

"There is no free energy in the universe that is truly free." [1]

No magic solution

"Humanity will not simply find other sources of energy or some magic solution to maintain the privileges of the few."[2]

"While there are great sources of energy that humanity has not yet discovered, it is a long way from discovering them, and it will have to survive the Great Waves of change even to have a chance of discovering them."[3]

"People have faith in technology, thinking that technology will solve all the problems that technology creates and that people create. It will be a new gadget or a new source of energy, and everything will be fine. You will just transition into the next energy paradigm, with a little discomfort and a little uncertainty along the way. People think that technology is now their god. Technology will provide for them and save them, giving them stability, wealth and power."[4]

Promises of free energy from sources in the universe

"The Intervention is here to cast persuasion over the world, to gain control of the minds and hearts of people. It is doing this by offering people incredible promises of salvation and free energy, promising humanity peace and equanimity, offering advanced technology in order for humanity to become dependent on these foreign powers."[5]

"Forces from the universe will appear, offering gifts and incentives, promises of free energy and unlimited power and technology, which is largely a seduction to gain favor and win influence and create dependency upon the great trade networks into which nations fall as their resources are depleted and they become overwhelmed." [6]

"The Intervention is cunning. It will promise you peace and equanimity. It will promise you free energy and great wealth if only you will follow them. But these are things they cannot deliver, for they do not have these things. They are here searching because they have greater needs." [7]

The Intervention is "offering people incredible promises of salvation and free energy, promising humanity peace and equanimity, offering advanced technology in order for humanity to become dependent on these foreign powers." [8]

Energy for unlimited space travel

"Of course, human beings with their wonderful imagination conjure up all kinds of wonderful ways to travel around the universe almost effortlessly, using energy that is somehow derived from physics and can sustain unlimited travel, even collapsing time and space. But for those who live in the real universe, they have had to face the limits of technology. In some cases, these limits are quite severe."[9]

"Everyone in the physiological realm must still eat and take in energy in one form or another. They must use energy and gain the resources for producing this energy. They must rely upon technology, which must be reinforced and supported. If they travel very far from their home planet or their home base of operations, they face a tremendous number of logistical difficulties."[9]

See also

Intervention deceptions

The Intervention: Means


  1. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Seventh Briefing: Questions and Answers
  2. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 1: The Great Waves of Change
  3. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 9: The Great Waves Prophecy
  4. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 11: Where Will You Place Your Faith?
  5. The Greater Darkness: Resisting the Intervention
  6. The Fall (February 6, 2014)
  7. The Greater Community, Chapter 3: Facing the Greater Community
  8. Resisting the Intervention (September 10, 2008)
  9. 9.0 9.1 Life in the Universe, Chapter 3: The Limits of Space Travel