The New God

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Not the old God

  • misapprehended, a projection of human personality and tendencies
  • preoccupied with Earth
  • judgmental, condemnatory
  • needing praise and worship, obedience and adulation
  • tribal, favoring one nation over another, leading people to war
  • responsible for natural disasters, plagues, illness and catastrophe
  • useful for political justification
  • dominated by institutional ideology
  • a God of one world, one people or one tribe
  • a God that thinks, acts or behaves as humans do
  • limited to one Revelation for humanity[1]

The new God

  • set into motion the forces of nature, evolution, and geologic change at the beginning of time
  • watches over all worlds
  • calls the separated to return through the avenues of religion, of conscience, of true love and recognition
  • does not care what your religious beliefs are if they facilitate Knowledge[1]


"Now you are dealing with a God of all the universes and Creation beyond the universes, a God so great that your mind can only fall down in praise. Not a human God. Not a God that you create in your own imagination, but a God that you must experience at a deeper level, beneath and beyond the limits of your surface mind. For you to comprehend the God of the Greater Community, then you must comprehend the Voice of the Revelation." [2]

Things that interest the new God

  • the deeper movement of the heart and the conscience
  • acts of selfless giving and forgiveness
  • the desire to contribute beyond one's own personal needs and preferences
  • the recognition of one to another
  • an enemy becoming a friend
  • the healing of a despoiled world[1]

"God does not care what religion you belong to. God cares what moves your heart, what you do and what motivates you to do what you do. God cares about what you express in your relationships. God cares about the degree to which you can become connected and united with the greater power within you, which is the only thing that can really redeem you, for God has put it there." [3]

Misapprehensions about God

"People have great expectations of God once they accept that God is a reality. They expect God to solve their personal problems, to save them from their own calamities, to restore their loved ones when they are sick, to prevent death and difficulty for those whom they love, to bring about peace and equanimity amongst warring tribes, to effect sweeping change without upsetting anyone's concerns or priorities and to bring about miracles great and small, yet in such a way that no one is offended, no one is challenged and no one has to change." [4]

"Many people think that God is using everything as a lesson for them as if God is pulling all the strings. When something good happens, it's a blessing from God. When something bad happens, it's a punishment from God. When something cruel or tragic happens, well, people are disappointed, and they secretly resent the Divine for being cruel and heartless." [4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The One God, Chapter 2: The New God Revelation (February 12, 2009)
  2. The Voice of the Revelation (April 14, 2011)
  3. Jesus and the New Message from God (April 13, 2013)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 9: How does God participate in the world?

Further Study