Inner listening

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"When you are communicating with someone and you realize that you are not really communicating and it is uncomfortable for you, that is the time to start listening to the other person. It is the time to stop talking and start listening.When you are ill at ease in any situation, it is a time to stop talking and start listening. Here you must listen without judgment because you want to hear what is there.You want to be able to feel how you feel while you are hearing what is there.You want to listen inside and outside all at once.Then you will know if you should be in that situation or not." [1]

"Here you step back from the mind. It is not who you are. You step back from your thoughts. They are not your deeper thoughts. You step back from the images, and the imaginings, the thoughts, the feelings, the fantasies, everything. Let them pass by you and you watch them objectively. If you are practicing stillness meditation, such as in Steps to Knowledge, and you cannot still your mind, it is destined to practice this observation. Watching your thoughts pass like a parade. Letting the mind do whatever it wants to do, and listening deeply within yourself. We're bringing the same practice here to your inner world, to the stream of consciousness. This is particularly important at times when you are aroused, either positively or negatively, to step back and watch this and practice inner listening.” [2]

What to listen for

"I want to go back to God because, whether people believe in God, it is important that they know that there is a part of them that cannot be corrupted and has never been corrupted. And, that there is a way that that part of them can speak to them and advise them. And this is, you could call it your ground of being, your gut feeling, whatever you might call it within a religious or a general vernacular, there is a part of us that has to advise us." [3]


  1. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 20
  2. The Art of Seeing (April 11, 2011) at 19:55
  3. Project Camelot: Marshall Vian Summers - Interview (September 11, 2011) at 1:06:00 of 1:31:44

See Also



Further Study

Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 20: Inner Listening