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An evolutionary threshold

"The great change that is coming to the world and the world’s emergence into the Greater Community represent the two greatest events of your time and could even be considered the greatest events of all time. They are both evolutionary. They both represent a great challenge and threat to humanity’s future, freedom and well-being. They both will require a greater maturity and a greater unity amongst the human family.

Here wisdom about the Greater Community will give you wisdom about the world. Learning about the Greater Community will teach you how you must behave in your own world—what you must do, what you must change and what you must undo in order to proceed safely, carefully and with greater discernment.

Everyone has a connection to the direction and the future of the world, so the connection to the Greater Community is enormous. It is vast."[1]

Being disregarded

"Humanity is degrading the world so severely that it will determine the fate of human civilization. Humanity is facing Intervention from the universe and is unprepared. These are the greatest events in human history, but people are unaware. They are living in a dream."[2]

"These are the greatest events in human history. These are the most perilous threats to human freedom and sovereignty. These are the most consequential events in human history, and yet how few people ever think of these things? How few people concern themselves with these things? It is not part of the public agenda of any government. It is not the concern of world religious leaders or institutions, at least not publicly.

The problems that humanity is concerned with, though real in and of themselves, are insignificant compared to these two great challenges. For what could you hope to accomplish or to protect or gain if human freedom and sovereignty is lost through the clever Intervention of other races? And what can you hope to achieve in terms of averting poverty and building human wealth and human security if you cannot face the Great Waves of change that are occurring here in the world, which are largely the result of humanity’s abuse of the world itself?"[3]

The opportunity

"These two great events—the Great Waves of change and humanity’s encounter with the Greater Community—will determine the fate and the future of every person living in the world.

There is no problem, there is no challenge, there is no priority that is greater than your focus on these two great phenomena, for they are the greatest events in human history. To avoid and to deny them is to avoid and deny your place in that history and your contribution to that history.

So when you realize there is no place to run and hide, either physically or psychologically, then you can stand firm. And you ask of Knowledge within yourself, 'What must I do?' "[4]

The Preparation

"God has sent a New Message into the world to prepare humanity for the Great Waves of change and to prepare humanity for the challenges and the opportunities of engaging with intelligent life in the universe. These are the two greatest events in human history, and you are here to be a part of this in a very unique and special way.

Perhaps these two great events are beyond your awareness. Perhaps you have never concerned yourself with them. But they will change the world you live in, and they are connected to why you are here."[5]


  1. Life in the Universe, Chapter 14: Your Relationship with the Greater Community
  2. The One God, Chapter 8: The Redemption
  3. The New Message on Life in the Universe (September 3, 2007)
  4. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change: Building your Ark
  5. The Bridge to a New Life: Experiencing Your Higher Purpose

See also

The New Message Prophecy

Further study